

Origins is a virtual art and design installation, which includes an exhibition of 16 digital graphics, two 3D tours, one with still panoramic images and another with 360 immersive videos. It also includes the real-time interactive animation of the cover and this website, which constitutes the virtual space of the installation.

I hope you enjoy.

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Digital graphics

A signic graphic vision of scientific theories about the origin of everything in the universe

Big Bang

Structure of the universe

Universe without limits

Cosmic Microwave Background

Cosmic Microwave Background 2

Particles and atoms

Standard Model of particles

Higgs boson

Quantum Gravity

Quantum Gravity 2

Quantum mechanics Entanglement

Quantum mechanics Entanglement 2

Quantum mechanics Uncertainty

Quantum mechanics Duality

Organic Molecules
in space

Primordial soup

3D virtual tour

Visit the virtual pavilion's murals made with enlarged fragments of digital graphics.

Go to 3D virtual tour

360 video

Immerse yourself in an animated version of the origins in the primordial soup in a 360 video tour.


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Or if you are interested in purchasing an art-quality print of the digital graphic, please provide your information in the form to the right and I will contact you shortly.

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Moisés de la Peña S.